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Heidi Raines Shared Voices Named Amazon Best Seller

Heidi Raines Shared Voices Gaines Amazon Best Seller Status

“Shared Voices: A Framework for Patient and Employee Safety in Healthcare” reached best-seller and No. 1 New Release status in several healthcare-related Amazon categories.

Heidi Raines, Founder and CEO of Performance Health Partners and an authority on advancing employee and patient safety, recently partnered with Forbes Books to author a book that explores how the healthcare community can reduce incidents, errors, and safety events that jeopardize patients and employees and, in the process, give voice to patients and employees who are the eyes, ears, and heartbeat of a healthcare organization.

Prior to its release on January 17, “Shared Voices: A Framework for Patient and Employee Safety in Healthcare” reached best-seller and No. 1 New Release status in several healthcare-related Amazon categories, including Health Care Delivery, Hospital Administration, Nursing Administration, Physician & Patient, and Nurse & Patient.

Thomas J. Stranova, ScD, MHA, Clinical Associate Professor at Tulane University, noted of "Shared Voices":

“Utilizing a systems thinking approach that is rich in insightful data, Heidi Raines examines healthcare safety systems as if they were a giant puzzle. Chapter by chapter, she introduces the research-backed methods by which organizations can solve these challenges to achieve impactful change. Her vision of transforming healthcare organizations into safe cultures of care will inspire all who read Shared Voices. This book will surely be an invaluable, trusted resource for the next generation of healthcare leaders.”

Shared Voices is slated to be one of this year's most transformative healthcare books. It's now available for purchase in paperback and digital formats. Order your copy here.

About Heidi Raines

Heidi Raines is a healthcare executive and entrepreneur working at the intersection of patient and employee safety, systems innovation, and technology. She has dedicated her career to designing solutions to ensure that healthcare organizations have access to the knowledge and technology needed to deliver safe, equitable, and quality care.

Raines is the founder and CEO of Performance Health Partners, the leading software for patient and employee safety. She holds a Preceptor Faculty position at Tulane University’s Master of Health Administration program and serves as Board President of the American College of Healthcare Executives Healthcare Executive Network. Raines has received awards for innovation and executive leadership and was named one of the Top 100 Influential Entrepreneurs in Technology.

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