
5 Steps to Improve the Patient Experience 

For healthcare providers who see hundreds of patients each day, it can be easy to lose sight of individual experiences. However, for each of those patients, their healthcare journeys are unique and deeply personal – and can impact health outcomes and patient loyalty.

In this whitepaper, you'll learn how to improve the patient experience by:

  • Strengthening employee engagement to improve patient satisfaction scores
  • Using a survey tool to track patient feedback
  • Enhancing communication with the patient and family members


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5 Steps to Improve the Patient Experience Whitepaper

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Patient experience is associated with the patient's perception of each step of their care journey. It describes how a person feels about everything from the look and feel of waiting areas and conversations with clinicians to their actual medical treatment and the options on the breakfast menu.

As care models evolve to focus more on quality of care, patient experience is now regarded as a primary indicator of quality in healthcare provision.

The healthcare experience is also becoming increasingly important to patients. In fact, 72% of patients say they would switch providers to get their preferred patient experience. Prioritizing the patient experience can lead to greater patient satisfaction and higher patient retention.

As patients become more personally involved in their healthcare decisions, promoting a positive patient experience is more important than ever. Whether a patient presents in the emergency room or for an annual visit, a positive experience helps promote treatment follow-through and establishes trust in their provider.

A stellar patient experience also results in better health outcomes, lower readmission rates, and increased patient loyalty.

Gauge Patient Experience and Improve Quality with Surveys


To gauge a patient’s experience, it’s essential to have patient experience measurement strategies in place. One way healthcare organizations can learn if they are meeting the expectations of their patients – or if they’re lacking in any area – is by conducting patient satisfaction surveys.

Patient satisfaction surveys capture self-reported patient assessments of multiple touchpoints during their medical care experience, and are generally sent shortly after a patient’s visit, while their experience is still top of mind.

Digital survey tools make it easier to understand exactly how patients perceive different aspects of their experience, from responsiveness of staff and clinician communication to hospital environment. In this way, patient satisfaction surveys are an effective quality improvement tool, and lead to happier patients – and better reviews – over time.

Ensure Patient Satisfaction and Retention


Performance Health Partners’ patient experience tools enable healthcare organizations to easily track and manage patient experience across departments.

With our digital survey solution, healthcare organizations can:

Collect feedback. User-friendly tool engages patients and employees in their healthcare and work experience.

Get real-time alerts. Immediate notifications provide early detection and the opportunity to improve operations.

Gain insights. Identify trends and capture opportunities for reward and recognition of staff.

Make data-driven decisions. Real-time dashboards with drill-through reporting allow for quick oversight and data-driven decision making to improve the patient experience.


Get Started


Equip your team with a comprehensive patient experience survey solution to ensure that everyone has the support they need to stay safe, healthy, and engaged in the care experience.

Request a demo with our team to learn more.